понедельник, 31 января 2011 г.
Space and Flows: an International Conference on Urban and Extraurban Studies
Monash University Prato Centre
Prato, Tuscany, Italy
17-18 November 2011
Following the success of our 2010 conference at the University of California, Los Angeles, the 2011 Spaces and Flows Conference will take place in Prato, Italy. Prato is located in the Tuscany region of Italy, a short train ride from Florence and close to the Florence airport. Prato has yet to be transformed by mass tourism, even though it is in a beautifully preserved Italian Renaissance city. Historically home to a thriving textile industry, Prato has seen an influx of immigrant workers in the last 20 years. This juxtaposition of the local-historical with the global-hypermodern makes Prato an excellent location to discuss human spatial conditions in global flows.
This conference aims to critically engage contemporary spatial, social, ideological, and political transformations in a transitional world. In a process-oriented world of movement, the global north and global south now simultaneously converge and diverge in a dialectic that shapes and transforms cities, suburbs , and rural areas. This conference addresses the nature and mapping of these forces and the dynamics that propel these changes. The conference also examines and defines the myriad of different spaces that make up our contemporary world, including urban, edgeurban, de-urban, micro-urban, greenfield, and off-the-grid.
In addition to plenary presentations, the Spaces and Flows Conference includes parallel presentations by practitioners, teachers, and researchers. We invite you to respond to the conference Call-for-Papers. Presenters may submit their written papers for publication in the peer reviewed _Spaces and Flows: An International Journal on Urban and Extraurban Studies_. If you are unable to attend the conference in person virtual registrations are also available which allow you to submit a paper for referring and possible publication. You also have the ability to upload your presentation to the Space and Flows YouTube playlist. Please sign up for our monthly newsletter http://spacesandflows.com/ideas/newsletter, and join us on Facebook and Twitter.
The deadline for the next round in the call for papers (a title and short abstract) is 17 February 2011. Future deadlines will be announced on the conference website after this date. Proposals are reviewed within two weeks of submission. Full details of the conference, including an online proposal submission form, may be found at the conference website: http://spacesandflows.com/conference-2011/ .
We look forward to receiving your proposal and hope you will be able to join us in Prato in November.
Yours Sincerely,
Prof. David Wilson
Department of Geography
University of Illinois
Urbana-Champaign, USA
пятница, 28 января 2011 г.
"Everyday Infrastructure and the City", One-day workshop at Department of Geography, Durham University Thursday May 5th, 2011
Thursday May 5th, 2011
Organized by Renu Desai (Durham), Colin McFarlane (Durham), and Steve Graham (Newcastle).
Call for Papers: deadline for abstracts Feb 4th, 2011
While urban infrastructure has become a focus of debates on urban change, there have been relatively few attempts to examine the politics of infrastructures on an everyday basis. Recent years have seen a wide and diverse range of contributions that have demonstrated the centrality of infrastructures to a variety of urban processes and forms: for example, in the social relations of inequality in the city; in the making and unmaking of social collectives and urban life; in the emergence and consumption of privatised and customised infrastructures; in the relationship between urban ecologies and social differentiation; as a site of capitalist expansion and transformation; or in the presence and removal of infrastructure through urban demolition or militarization (e.g. Coutard, 2008; Coward, 2008; Kaika, 2005; Gandy, 2005; Graham, 2010; Graham and Marvin, 2001; Hodson and Marvin, 2009; Page, 2005; Shove et al, 2007; Swyngedouw, 2004; Thrift and French, 2002; Young and Keil, 2009). Across this multifaceted and critical set of debates, there has been relatively little explicit consideration of how a focus on the everyday might inform our conception of urban infrastructures and their role in urban production, negotiation and contestation.
Part-time MSc in Sustainable Urban Development at the University of Oxford
This two-year master's programme is offered by Oxford's Continuing Professional Development Centre in association with The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment<http://www.princes-foundation.org/>. Both intellectually rigorous and strongly grounded in professional practice, it is aimed at professionals worldwide who are working across the sustainable urban development sector. Through meaningful and state-of-the-art learning, it provides opportunities for employers to develop their workforce and for individuals to enhance their career prospects.
With an interdisciplinary focus, the programme is taught by leading researchers and practitioners from Oxford and other major academic and professional institutions.
The flexible, modular structure of the programme has been designed to suit busy professionals. During two years, students attend eight intensive one-week teaching sessions in Oxford and London comprising lectures, seminars, practice-based workshops and one-to-one tutorials; together these are aimed at developing and sharing concerns for social, economic and environmental aspects of sustainable living.
Assessment is through assignments and a dissertation (which can be on a work-based project), and students are supported throughout via a web-based portal, providing access to a rich bank of e-learning materials and class discussion forums.
To find out more about this unique master's programme, please visit our website: http://www.conted.ox.ac.uk/courses/L700-3 or email: msud@conted.ox.ac.uk<mailto:msud@conted.ox.ac.uk>.
Dr Matthew Hardy RAIA FRSA RIBA
Senior Lecturer in Architecture & Urbanism
The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment
вторник, 18 января 2011 г.
Денис Визгалов. Маркетинг мест
Маркетинг мест (I)

Теории территориального маркетинга нет. Порой маркетинговые действия являются лишь инструментом для решения проблем – скажем, провести какой-нибудь фестиваль, чтобы выбить деньги из бизнеса и вышестоящих бюджетов на ремонт местных дорог. Иногда задачи гораздо более глобальны и долгосрочны – например, чтобы выиграть право провести в своем городе Олимпиаду. Или чтобы сформировать позитивный образ региона в глазах инвесторов, туристов, вышестоящих чиновников, журналистов…
воскресенье, 16 января 2011 г.
План курса "Социология города" на январь-май 2011
План курса Социология города на январь-май 2011 года. 4 курс, ф-т социологии ГУ-ВШЭ. По две пары в неделю, 12.20-15.20, лекция и семинар
!! Обратите внимание на даты занятий!!
Критерии оценки:
Доклад по тексту 20%, Выступление в качестве дискутанта по тексту 20 %, 50 % выполнение полевого исследования, 10 % работа на дебатах
Что такое «докладчик» и «дискутант»
Докладчику нужно: прочитать внимательно текст, найти информацию об авторе(-ах), проанализировать основные понятия, используемые в тексте, вписать текст и точку зрения автора в контекст – с кем спорит, с чем соглашается, к какой традиции относится.
Дискутант: тоже внимательно читает текст, слушает докладчика, критикует изложенное в тексте (и дополняет докладчика при необходимости). Предлагает альтернативные точки зрения и проч.
Дедлайны. Текст к дебатам: 10 апреля, 23.00. Программа исследования – 3 апреля. Отчет по исследованию: 1 мая, 23.00.
суббота, 15 января 2011 г.
Проектирование открытого пространства в городах с холодным климатом (видео)
"Кристиан Вилладсен из Gehl Architects рассказывает о том, как создавать общественные пространства и поощрять городскую жизнь на протяжении всего года в городах с холодным климатом. Рассматриваются также вопросы создания велосипедной культуры и условий для нее. Весьма увлекательная лекция для всех, кто любит города" (видео с Vimeo).